Saturday, November 15, 2008

It seems that though the battle is won...

The Audacity of HopeImage via Wikipedia
The war rages on. Jesse Washington of the AP news today reports that the number of racial incidents against black people in America is on the rise again (Election spurs 'hundreds' of race threats, crimes, Associated Press, November 15, 2008). Unfortunately as a by-product of the success of Barack Obama in the national election there are many folks (apparently not blacks) who are gunning for the man.

Welcome to America.

No surprise here - let's just make it past Jan 21, 2009 and take it one day at a time. Unfortunately while about half of America has let go of their racial hatred there appear to be a large number of angry folks with guns who are not amicable losers.

Secret Service had better be on key with its protection level.

As if anyone would have to tell them this...

The rest of us had better use extra caution as the idiots of the world look for substitute victims. Now would be an appropriate time to educate the kids on the struggle and how to watch out for oneself. Historically as economic times turn bad hatred and anger boil over to convenient targets that in many cases happen to be minorities.

Watch out for yourselves and if you live in an area where guns are legal then arming oneself might be a good idea. No need to call the cops in that case just remember to take lessons and learn how to protect yourself and your families. Never again to lynching. Never again.
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Friday, November 7, 2008

Winning graciously

reason, conclusion - emotion, actionImage by Will Lion via Flickr
Hello Everyone,

Let's hold on the political discussion for now. The race is over and we won. Let's be gracious and allow the pain to fade. Americans hate to lose so let's take it easy.

In the South as other locations the race was extremely close in some states. We need to realize that the job of governing will be much worse that the goal of winning the election. For now the election is over and we need to allow time to heal those wounds.

The economy had the largest gain on any election day ever. It also had the largest sell-off on any post election day ever. That, I believe is a reflection of the hope and the fear of this election.

America will have to come to terms with the reality. We have to come together since the election is over. For many years Democrats have lived through these emotions; we must be sensitive to our friends and neighbors in their time of despair.

Some of them actually believed all of the lies about socialism, terrorist, and everything else... Many folks believe everything they hear on Fox News as if it were gospel!!! We have to realize that for those who could not see the message of hope Obama provided that they might not be feeling too safe right now.

But this is America; so things will get better. The country will heal as we move towards a better Union. This is the United States of America.

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The return of public consciousness in popular music

This past Presidential election season made me realize the number of musical artists who are using their craft to make powerful political and cultural statements. This is another example of an artist that has more to say about the relevant topics of the day. Enjoy the video.

Janelle Monae - "Many Moons" HI RES VERSION

America from the perspective of others

Americans need to see our actions through the eyes of world citizens. With the power of the Internet, America is no longer isolated (nor can we ever be) from the world. It is time we acknowledge that while we act for the force of good our strengths can become our weaknesses. Here is a disturbing reality of America. We must take better care in the future so that we are not misguided.

Warning - This video will break your heart. This is necessary so we can rebuild the spirit within. I look forward to a better world that is filled with love and peace. Let's change the world.

Let's remember that we brought this fight to Iraq. "Now people are dying and you know it's time" (Mayor Nagin, appealing for help after Katrina). We need to put our past behind us and look forward to brighter days but never forget our history.

The next time you ask yourself why everyone is hating on America think on this - If one will not help one's friends, one's neighbors and one's country men (for example after Katrina hit New Orleans) how then can anyone expect America to aid them?

This is the vision from which America must recover. We tend to destroy and rebuild in America. I would not be surprised to see that we truly remake the world.

Powerful, far reaching words

Please note the powerful words after enjoying this short video.

Hope Changes Everything

people say Obama's words are just words...


when was the last time "words" weren't important...???...

when was the last time a great leader didn't use words to lead...??...
when was the last time a person didn't use words to describe how they felt...?...
when was the last time "words" weren't empowering...?...

and we can all recall the last time "words" were used to divide us and install fear...

Bush used words to fear us into voting for him the second time around...
terror this...
terror that...
nuclear here...
weapons of mass destruction there...

and those words effected a lot of people's choices...

"enough is enough"...
let's rebuild...

let's change ourselves...
let's allow positivity to guide us...

let's take action....
let's activate our passion...
we are Americans....

and this is the first time in forever that someone running for president represents "US"...

some say this is all excitement...
I call it "proud to be an American"...

some say this whole Obama movement is "cult like"...
if it comes across cult like...
the cult is called America...

the Obama movement is connecting America.
and it has made "US" realize our importance...
the youth is excited and activated...
adults are passionate and motivated...
the elderly are proud to know the country they built is in safe hands...

we are one...

for too long politics has been corrupt...
separate from the American people...
with agendas that go against what the American people "need"...

politicians have spoken a different language...
making it so the youth and poor people feel as if voting was only for the wealthy and old people...
making "US" feel as if "we" had no voice...
making "US" feel powerless...
making it feel like if "we" did vote it wouldn't change anything...

but wait...
that did happen...
some of us voted, and it didn't change anything...

we were in the dark...
we had no voice...
we were powerless...

because America was not a united America...
and "they" spoke a different language...
and they had an agenda different from our well being...

correct me if I'm wrong... or speak up if I'm missing something...

we want education, health, safety, and good jobs...right???...
oh yeah...
and "a healthy planet to live on"...

but here we are...

in a war... poor education... poor health programs... the dollar is down... the planet, polluted...
the rich, richer... and the poor, struggling...
with sky high gas prices to top it all off...

and now even the rich aren't really rich internationally because our dollar is has fallen so far down...

in our slumber... a very small few got really rich...

because when you're sleeping...

"it's hard to change agendas"...

we know what happened in 2000 and 2004...
but in 2008...
it's different...

we are awake...
and there is a movement...

and "it's hard to change a movement"...

last time "we" didn't have a movement...
America wasn't united...

and now "United and "Standing"...for something...
we know the power of "US"...
and we have a person who represents the "U.S."...


"we are the ones we've been waiting for"...

I'm proud to be an American...

(original link)

Claiming Barack as our own

There is a big focus by many to identify Barack as bi-racial, black, white. Hey Barack is non of these, he is a reflection of you. In that reflection we need to promise to never let ourselves down. Represent and respect, love, hope and cherish each other.


President Obama is Biracial not just " The Black guy"

The rebirth of poetry

The essence of renewal is coming to America. The ability to inspire millions is a gift. I pray that our new President uses these gifts wisely. In doing so I am saddened to think that this man may be quite lonely with the passing of his grandmother just one day before the Election of 2008. Close family is forever and the loss of same can affect even the most forceful. In spite of this, in order to help us help ourselves; President-elect Obama must push ahead with forming a government to revitalize America.

Barack Obama: Poetic Politics

Make that Change

This is why we did it. Remember that, this video make break your heart but that is what must be done before mankind can be remade into a better self.

Our troops can be the hope of the world. Let's remember that America acts from the belief that not only that we can make a difference but that we must make a difference. The people have spoken to say enough.

Obama - Man in the mirror

I talk about hope

Don't tell me words don't matter. Love, Education and Hope. Ideals for a new generation. I am finding a connection with my daughter who believes that we should work for what we can do for others rather than what we can do for ourselves.

Don't Tell Me Words Don't Matter

A note on Grace

First a note of thanks to G-d for allowing me and all of us to see this day where we can overcome the things that divide us to work towards the things that Unite us.

In response to the fact that 46% of America are fearful of what an Obama Presidency will mean to America I present the following advice.


Let's hold on the political discussion for now. The race is over and we won. Let's be gracious and allow the pain to fade. Americans hate to lose so let's take it easy.

In the South as other locations the race was extremely close in some states. We need to realize that the job of governing will be much worse that the goal of winning the election. For now the election is over and we need to allow time to heal those wounds.

The economy had the largest gain on any election day ever. It also had the largest sell-off on any post election day ever. That, I believe is a reflection of the hope and the fear of this election.

America will have to come to terms with the reality. We have to come together since the election is over. For many years Democrats have lived through these emotions; we must be sensitive to our friends and neighbors in their time of despair.

Some of them actually believed all of the lies about socialism, terrorist, and everything else... Many folks believe everything they hear on Fox News as if it were gospel!!! We have to realize that for those who could not see the message of hope Obama provided that they might not be feeling too safe right now.

But this is America; so things will get better. The country will heal as we move towards a better Union. This is the United States of America.

Hope never dies

Yes we can

Yes we can change the world. The inspiration from poets, writers, and ordinary Americans is embodied in the call from Obama to believe in ourselves. Maybe now we can confront global warming in addition to the economy, wars, and the human travesties happening all over the world. Obama mania is not focused at Obama -at its heart its us focusing on our own potential to rise above. 

The ability to be more than the sum of our parts. The ability to allow our positive qualities outweigh our negative qualities. This is the message that has transcended politics to cultural phenomena.

Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video

The fierce urgency of Now

A powerful message presented by candidate Obama. Like many, I am still trying to understand who is this person that we have elected President. America has recaptured the imagination of the world. We must now make good on our promise. Now.

Barack Obama: Incredible Speech!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama - This is the moment

Why did so many Germans visit Obama in Germany? I wondered about this and decided to bring the video to the America masses. It is said that Obama is intimately involved with the construction of his speeches. Undoubtedly this is a man who clearly deserves the title of the Great Communicator.

Barack Obama Speech from Berlin, Germany

Race in America

One of the most compelling speeches on race in America. Obama spoke about who we are as a people in March of 2008. The delivery of this powerful message was both honest and encouraging. View the entire speech to understand the reason why this man has inspired hope in America.

Obama Speech: 'A More Perfect Union'

The face of America

President-elect Obama has inspired Americans and indeed world citizens to hope for change. This is a phenomena that simply required one to watch; although we were all able to participate with our vote. Americans heard the call and voted for change.

Now its time for America to roll up our sleeves and get to work. The sentiment to come together and the hope inspired by Barack Obama is something unlike anything that we have seen before. This is finally our America, its my America and its your America. Perhaps, America has come of age.

Obama promises "we are the ones we've been waiting for..." The ability to envision something better in each of us is a powerful allure. Obama mentioned in his speech on race that we have to be faithful to the notion that what is right in America is greater than that which is wrong with America.

A reminder that good and bad is entwined in humankind. When we look in the mirror and try to conquer that which is evil using that which is good from within. These are powerful symbols that bring hope to America and the world.

Now that the election is over I think it is important to bring the news of Obama to the 46% of the people who have been prevented from the full measure of this person. As our President those who voted for him are now responsible to ensure that change is delivered and hope fullfilled.

We Are The Ones Song by - Obama