Friday, November 7, 2008

America from the perspective of others

Americans need to see our actions through the eyes of world citizens. With the power of the Internet, America is no longer isolated (nor can we ever be) from the world. It is time we acknowledge that while we act for the force of good our strengths can become our weaknesses. Here is a disturbing reality of America. We must take better care in the future so that we are not misguided.

Warning - This video will break your heart. This is necessary so we can rebuild the spirit within. I look forward to a better world that is filled with love and peace. Let's change the world.

Let's remember that we brought this fight to Iraq. "Now people are dying and you know it's time" (Mayor Nagin, appealing for help after Katrina). We need to put our past behind us and look forward to brighter days but never forget our history.

The next time you ask yourself why everyone is hating on America think on this - If one will not help one's friends, one's neighbors and one's country men (for example after Katrina hit New Orleans) how then can anyone expect America to aid them?

This is the vision from which America must recover. We tend to destroy and rebuild in America. I would not be surprised to see that we truly remake the world.

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